✓ Russian Science Foundation 20-69-46064 "Adaptive optics for wavefront correction in high-power laser facilities". 2020-2022.
✓ Russian Science Foundation 20-19-00597 "Adaptive optics for 6 meters telescope SAO RAS". 2020-2022.
✓ Russian Science Foundation 19-19-00706 "The development of new wavefront correctors with the high spatial resolution of the control elements". 2019-2023.
Past projects
✓ RFBR 16-07-01276 "Imaging through turbid medium by means of methods of adaptive optics". 2016-2018.
✓ RFBR 16-07-01255 "Investigation of optical system aberrations registration of hyperspectral holograms". 2016-2018.
✓ RFBR 16-07-01097 "Development of algorithms and methods of formation of the desired intensity distribution in the far field by means of deformable mirrors". 2016-2018.
✓ RFBR 15-07-07671 "Adaptive spatial-spectral microscopy". 2015-2017.
✓ RFBR 15-08-07986 "Development of wide aperture adaptive optical systems for laser fusion". 2015-2017.
✓ FASIE ERA-RUS-14519 "Active Fiber Coupled Source for Secure Entangled Photon Quantum Communication". 2016-2017.
✓ INTAS #05-1000007-414"Closed Loop Adaptive Optical System for Laser Beam Correction". 2006-2007.
✓ The Foundation for Assistance for Small Innovative Enterprises. Programme: "New generation of devices for laser beam analysis." (START-05 #3652/6149). 2005-2006.
✓ The Foundation for Assistance for Small Innovative Enterprises. Programme: "New generation of wavefront sensors." (START-05 #3654/6154). 2005-2006.
✓ The Foundation for Assistance for Small Innovative Enterprises. Programme: "Development of wave aberrometry principles." (START-05 #3346/5555). 2004-2006.
✓ Russian Foundation for Basic Recearch. Programme: "Development and manufacture of adaptive optical system for beam correction and control in powerful industrial CO2 lasers." (RFBR 02-02-96004). 2002-2004.
✓ NATO Science for Peace. Programme: "Adaptive Optics for Industrial Applications" (SfP 974116). The project was prepared together with Dr. Andrew Scott (QinetiQ, Malvern, UK). 2000-2004.
✓ NATO Science for Peace. Programme: "Adaptive Optics, Imager and Analytic Software for Medical Retinal Imaging" (SfP 974292). The project was prepared together with Dr. John Otten III (Kestrel Corp., Albuquerque, NM). 2000-2003.
✓ ISTC #3497 Aberrometric System for Surgery of Eyes
✓ ISTC #2631 Adaptive Optical System for Phase Correction of Laser Beams with Wave Front Vortices, 2002-2008.